Falls and Accident Prevention Assessment


This service is for self-funded retirees and their carers who want to invest in safeguarding their physical health and retain their independence.


This package offers peace of mind through a private home safety assessment by a private, qualified Occupational Therapist. The service involves an assessment on the safety of your home including recommendations on any home modifications, assistive technologies or equipment that can be incorporated into daily life to make things safer and easier.

This service is right for you when:

  • Your goal is to retain independence and stay at home for as long as possible.
  • Recently, you or your loved one experienced an accident, fall or burn in the home./li>
  • Peace of mind is important to you./li>

This service is a good idea if you want to avoid premature loss of independence from a fall or accident. The consultation includes a one-off fee to cover assessment time and documentation of any home safety recommendations. This fee does not include the cost of any equipment or products or licensed builder costs for any home modifications that may be recommended.