Frequently Asked Questions

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What will I get out of an initial consultation?

An initial consultation is essential to Next Stepz understanding your retirement goals, your current stage in retirement as well as any immediate needs you may have. This is essential to us assisting you through you retirement journey and developing a plan that ensures you obtain the right advice at the right time. We will always check in with you to ensure that you are in agreement with your retirement plan, that it is helping you achieve your goals and that you are satisfied with the services you are receiving. Our goal is to ensure you retire, on your terms.

How much will it cost?

An initial consultation/chat is free of charge and it’s up to you which mode you choose for your initial consultation. We can consult with you face to face, over the phone or via messenger.

What’s the waiting period for services?

This varies case by case and depends on the complexity of your individual situation, urgency etc. Our goal is to meet your expectations, so irrelevant of type of package or service you are wanting, we always strive to provide a solution as quickly as you need it. When we discuss your needs with you, we will ask you for a date and time that fits in with your life and arrange services around you.

Why fill out a Profile form?

• Helps Next Stepz to address issues more quickly and accurately.

• Helps Next Stepz suggest alternative strategies that may tackle challenges in a different way.

• Allows Next Stepz to build a more tailored solution for you.

However the Profile document is only the first step.  We are a person-to-person business which is totally dedicated to providing tailored solutions, not cookie cutter answers. We believe every person’s situation requires different solutions. Even when you fill out the form you will need a personalised conversation – it’s just that the form provides us with more information to come armed with the right solutions.

What we do

With next stepz Retirement is not a destination, it’s a journey

At Next Stepz we believe that the best retirement is a planned retirement. Depending on your age and stage, this may mean knowing how to keep fit, just a bit more help around the house, or wanting a more complete solution, such as a retirement community or aged care facility.

We tailor a complete solution for your retirement needs.

More about what we do Book a consultationWhy Book?

With next stepz Retirement is not a destination, it’s a journey